Is Gray Divorce Worse Than Divorcing With Young Children?
Although overall divorce rates in the U.S. are decreasing slightly, there were still almost 674,000 divorces in 2022, when the available data was last examined. Interestingly, the number of divorces for couples under 45 is on a downward trend, with the number increasing for couples older than 45.
The children of any divorcing couple, regardless of age, are impacted in several ways. The effects are markedly different, though, for young versus adult children. As parents, you likely want to minimize the adverse effects your divorce will have on your family. A skilled Dallas, TX divorce attorney understands the difficult decisions you are facing and can help you reach tailored solutions to reduce your and your children’s stress.
What Makes Gray Divorce Difficult?
Your life is intertwined with your children’s. If you and your spouse have been married for quite some time, your family is accustomed to all that entails. From family vacations to holiday gatherings, your children and grandchildren have an expectation to see you together as a couple. When you decide to divorce, your family may feel that a cornerstone of their lives has suddenly shifted. Research has shown that mothers tend to retain meaningful relationships with their adult children in a gray divorce more than fathers do, but that does not mean your family will understand your reasons.
In addition to your family’s misgivings, several practical aspects of divorce are often more complicated for older adults. Property division has more impact when you have a lifetime of accumulated possessions, property, and investments. Retirement benefits and pensions are closer to being utilized, and spousal support may also be indicated. Your issues could be compounded if you and your spouse have a high net worth. You need an experienced attorney who knows the issues you are dealing with and can help you develop customized agreements that protect your best interests.
Why Is Divorcing With Young Children Challenging?
Aside from the issues that any divorcing couple has, such as property division and spousal support, you also have to make sound decisions regarding your young children. Child custody, visitation, and child support all need to be decided. Although future modifications to your arrangements are possible, you need to craft comprehensive plans that address your children’s needs and your parental rights.
Depending on your children’s ages, they may blame themselves for your divorce. Behavioral issues can become a significant problem. You need to provide as much stability and age-appropriate emotional support as you can to help your children navigate your divorce. When you are struggling with your own emotions, addressing your children’s emotional needs is easier said than done. Your attorney will provide compassionate legal counsel and support at every step.
Which Is Worse, Younger or Gray Divorce?
Every situation is different. While gray divorce and divorcing with young children are similar in some ways, they are also vastly different. There is no winner or loser between them because any divorce can have unique challenges. Choosing the right lawyer can help you navigate and overcome them.
Consult Our Dedicated Tarrant County, TX Divorce Lawyer
No matter your age, you need individualized attention from your Dallas, TX family law attorney. Law Office of Michelle Poblenz has been providing exceptional service to Texas families for over 20 years. Contact us online or call 469-845-3031 to learn more about how we can help.