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How Can I Get My Texas DWI Conviction Overturned?

 Posted on January 17, 2025 in DWI

Dallas, TX DWI Defense LawyerAs with any type of criminal charge, it can be extremely overwhelming to face a DWI conviction, but you may have options. In fact, depending on the specific details of your case, you might be able to get your conviction overturned. While this can be difficult to achieve, it is possible given the right circumstances and legal representation. If you believe you were unfairly convicted and want to explore ways to have your conviction overturned, speak with a proven Dallas, TX DWI defense lawyer to learn more.

How Do You Appeal a DWI Conviction in Texas?

When someone is convinced they were wrongly convicted, they have the legal right to request an appeal, which would mean that a higher court will review the conviction and see if there is any reason to overturn it. An appeal does not mean your case will be retried. The court will not accept any new evidence or testimony but will review the transcripts of your case and the attorneys’ briefs to see whether any misconduct or misapplication of the law led to a wrongful conviction.

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How Long Does It Take to Finalize a Divorce in Texas?

 Posted on December 18, 2024 in Divorce

Tarrant County, TX Child Custody LawyerEveryone has something that makes them unique. The same is true for marriages and divorces. The time it takes to finalize a divorce in Texas can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the case, whether the divorce is contested or uncontested, and how quickly the couple can reach an agreement. 

Some couples can resolve their divorce in a matter of months while others can take a year or longer. For a better idea of how your divorce timeline might look, speak with a knowledgeable Tarrant County, TX divorce lawyer who can review your case and guide you further.

60-Day Waiting Period

Texas has a mandatory 60-day waiting period from the date someone files a divorce petition until the divorce can be finalized. This applies to all divorces, even when both spouses agree about everything. This waiting period is meant to give couples time to reflect, in case they want to reconsider their decision to divorce.

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Three Unseen Consequences of a DWI in Texas

 Posted on December 05, 2024 in DWI

Tarrant County, TX DWI LawyerFor most people, hearing about a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) charge in Texas immediately makes them think about someone paying a hefty fine and spending time in jail. Those are of course serious consequences, but they are not the only ones. 

A DWI can lead to far-reaching effects that can last long after the court case is over. If you are facing DWI charges, the stakes are too high not to protect yourself with strong legal representation. Speak with a qualified Dallas, TX criminal defense lawyer to understand your options.

Loss of Driver's License

One of the most impactful consequences of a DWI charge is having your driver's license suspended. If you are arrested for DWI, the Texas Department of Public Safety will suspend your license. This happens automatically, before your trial. It can be suspended for anywhere from 90 days to 2 years, depending on the circumstances.

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Can We Have a Collaborative Divorce in Texas?

 Posted on November 25, 2024 in Divorce

Dallas, TX Family Law AttorneyDivorce can be a challenging emotional process, but it does not always have to be antagonistic. In Texas, couples have the option of using collaborative law to work together to reach an agreement about the terms of their divorce without needing to go to court. This process is designed to help divorcing couples find solutions that work for everyone, especially when there are children involved. If you think a collaborative divorce is a good option for you and your spouse, speak with a skilled Dallas, TX divorce lawyer to learn more.

How Does Collaborative Law Work?

Collaborative law is when both spouses agree to settle their divorce peacefully instead of fighting in court. They work together to resolve the issues that need to be included in their divorce settlement, like how to divide their property, how custody will be shared, and whether either will pay spousal support.

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Examining Jury Nullification in Texas Criminal Cases

 Posted on November 14, 2024 in Criminal Law

Dallas, TX criminal defense lawyerOne topic in criminal law that gets relatively little attention is jury nullification. This legally recognized option offers juries an interesting way to balance their personal beliefs and conscience with current laws. It allows juries who acknowledge that a defendant violated a law but feel that the law is unjust or was applied unjustly to acquit him or her of the criminal charges in their case.

This practice is legal in Texas. However, the majority of people, including people who sit on juries, do not even know that it is an option. To learn more about jury nullification, speak with a knowledgeable Tarrant County, TX criminal defense lawyer.

Why Does Jury Nullification Happen?

Jury nullification happens when a jury finds a defendant not guilty even though they believe he or she broke the law if the jurors believe the law is unjust, unfair, or should not apply in that particular case. Since jurors are tasked with making judgments that reflect their communities’ values, they can return a verdict that might go against the law or the facts in a given case.

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Can Men Be Awarded Spousal Support in Texas?

 Posted on October 30, 2024 in Spousal Support

Dallas, TX Family Law AttorneyWhile divorce happens fairly often and people know a lot about what it involves, there are still some serious misconceptions. Some are based on old practices, and some are based on simple misunderstandings. Whatever the cause, it is important to clear up confusion with reliable information.

One issue that many people mistakenly think they know about is spousal support, which is commonly known as alimony. There is a popular, but inaccurate, belief that when a couple gets divorced, the husband always has to pay spousal support to the wife. In reality, decisions about spousal support are based on several factors. The spouse’s gender is not one of them. If you are considering divorce but are wondering what you might be able to expect from a settlement, speak with a knowledgeable Tarrant County, TX family law attorney for guidance.

How is Spousal Support Calculated in Texas?

In Texas, several factors are considered when calculating spousal support, including:

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Can I Be Arrested in Texas for Kicking My Child Out of My House?

 Posted on October 09, 2024 in Criminal Law

Dallas, TX child abuse defense lawyerParents sometimes joke that they wish their child came with a user’s manual. In truth, parenting can be challenging, partly because every child is different and reacts differently to various situations. Some children listen when their parents tell them not to do something. Others ignore their parents’ rules. All parents are different, too, and they react to their misbehaving children in different ways.

In some situations, a parent might find it necessary to lock their child outside the house. However, in Texas, this might result in criminal charges of child endangerment. A recent case highlights the possible legal consequences for a parent who kicks their child out of the house. Raising a rebellious teen can feel like an uphill battle, but a knowledgeable Dallas, TX criminal defense attorney can advise you on how to protect yourself and your rights in a criminal case.

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Disputes about Parental Control over a Child’s Social Media Use

 Posted on September 20, 2024 in Child Custody

TX divorce lawyerWith increasing concerns about the mental health and safety of children related to online activity, Texas recently enacted a law giving parents the authority to monitor and restrict what their child does on social media. Parental approval can also be required when children create their own accounts. Unfortunately, when divorced parents with shared custody are not on the same page about their child’s internet use, it can be a source of added tension. If you and your ex disagree about how your child’s social media activity should be restricted, an experienced Dallas, TX family law attorney can offer useful guidance.

Parental Control of Social Media Explained

Texas recently enacted the Securing Children Online through Parental Empowerment (SCOPE) Act, giving parents the legal authority to access any social media accounts belonging to their children. They can monitor and limit the amount of time their child spends on these platforms and restrict the content that they can engage with.

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Criminal Charges for Leaving a Child in a Vehicle in Texas

 Posted on September 05, 2024 in Criminal Law

Dallas, TX criminal defense lawyerParents are generally free to raise their children as they see fit. They can reward them, punish them, and feed them whatever they choose. But when it comes to leaving children in a car, the authorities get involved. Since the potential damage can be severe, you could face criminal charges if your child is left unattended inside a car. If you are accused of leaving a child in your car, speak with a seasoned Dallas, TX criminal defense attorney to review your case and understand your options.

Leaving a Child in a Car in Texas

Sometimes, parents drive around doing errands with their children in the car. If the errand is something simple like depositing a check at a bank or buying milk at the store, they might think it is not worth the time and effort it can take to get their child out of their car seat, keep them from having a temper tantrum inside, and buckle them back into their seats after. However, according to Texas law, intentionally leaving a young child unattended in a vehicle for more than five minutes could make a parent liable for criminal charges.

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Who Gets the House in a Texas Divorce?

 Posted on August 27, 2024 in Property Division

TX divorce lawyerSo many questions need to be answered when a couple gets a divorce. Where will their children live? How will they divide their bank accounts and investments? What will happen when it is time for them to retire? One of the most commonly asked questions is what will happen to their home? There is no definitive answer because every couple weighs several factors to help them decide. If you and your spouse are considering divorce but want to understand more about the division of property, speak with an experienced Tarrant County, TX divorce lawyer.

What is Considered Community Property in Texas?

The state of Texas follows a community property model for the division of marital property in a divorce. Community property means anything a couple acquired during their marriage, including income, assets, and debts. Both spouses in a married couple are considered the equal owners of their community property regardless of whether only one of their names appears on the title of an asset or who earned the income.

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